Les ocarinas

Recherchez n'importe quel ocarina dans notre base de données qui contient plusieurs centaines d'ocarinas.

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Les ocarinas

2 résultats

Awakening Unique Glaze

The Awakening Ocarina is a replica model inspired by the ocarina featured in the classic Legend of Zelda title Link's Awakening. Tuned to the key of Bb, the ocarina has six holes and uses the standard

Songbird Ocarina 92.11 Alto SI bémol 7 trous

Bass D Ocarina

The pure bass D is a 10 hole ocarina with a mellow tone. It is good for playing folk music, much like the alto D. Having a deeper and more mellow tone, they mix well with other instruments. Pure Oc

Pure Ocarinas 117.32 Basse RÉ 10 trous