Fiche ocarina Double Alto D ocarina

Fabricant : Pure Ocarinas

Type d'ocarina : Double

Accordage :

Tessiture : Alto

Matériau : Céramique

Dernier prix connu : 151.53€ (130 £)

The double alto D ocarina is ideal for playing Irish traditional music, with a range matching the tin whistle (C#5 to B6), and covering the sounding range of all common Irish tunes.

The Pacchioni system and Irish traditional music
Playing Irish music on this ocarina is easier than Asian double ocarinas as it makes use of the Pacchioni system. The chambers are tuned an octave apart, and have two notes of overlap. The second chamber thus fingers identically to the right hand of the first chamber, sounding an octave higher.

Having a note overlap between the chambers massively reduces the need for chamber switching, and gives you more freedom to place chamber switches in musically appropriate places. This tuning also means that the ocarina behaves almost identically to a tin whistle regarding finger ornamentation. Every note that can be rolled on a tin whistle can be on this ocarina.

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