Les tablatures de caleb

caleb a publié un total de 5 tablatures.

Ses tablatures ont reçu 2 j'aimes et 1 commentaire.

4 résultats

Aladdin-A whole New World

"A Whole New World" from Aladdin. Disney's "This Blue Dream".

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créé par caleb le 17/02/2022 à 18h34

Tall Green Mountain

This is a beautiful Chines song. Enjoy

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créé par caleb le 11/02/2022 à 23h27

Sound Of Silence

Sound Of Silence by Simon and Garfunkle. This is just part of the song. I would love for someone to complete it but I am new and this is the extent of my ability. thanks!

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créé par caleb le 11/02/2022 à 17h41

"Falling" by Angelo Badalamenti

This if from the Twin Peaks sound track from the 1980's TV show. Musical score by Angelo Badalamenti . This is writen for F Major ocarina. Enjoy.

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créé par caleb le 09/02/2022 à 01h42