Fabricant : Stein / Focalink
Type d'ocarina : 12 trous
Accordage : DO
Tessiture : Alto
Matériau : Céramique
Dernier prix connu : 397.96€ (411 $)
After continuous developments on new ocarina model for around 3 years, we got important breakthroughs on it and proudly release our concerto model in 2024. Single-chambered ocarina in the key of Alto C from A to high F for a total of 13 notes.
Pitch easily controlled and sound color solid and full power are special characters of this new model. Only your natural breath pressure or the most comfortable blowing pressure of yours is needed then the wonderful sound quality shows up no matter in the lower notes or the higher notes areas.
Beautiful reactive glaze is applied on this model to elevate its value, too. Every ocarina is uniquely decorated because of it. All instruments are finely tuned and pass 5 times quality checks before delivery.
Single AC
Size: 19.0cm x 10.5cm x 4.9cm
Weight: 353 grams
Includes our designed light weight ocarina hard-shell case which gives the best possible protection for your instrument. 23.8cm x 17.3cm x 7.5cm
Each instrument comes with a fingering chart, polishing cloth and metal channel cleaner.
International orders are welcome !
12AC-concerto 2 démonstration