Fiche ocarina 12AG-S2

Fabricant : Stein / Focalink

Type d'ocarina : 12 trous

Accordage : SOL

Tessiture : Alto

Matériau : Céramique

Dernier prix connu : 181.39€ (198 $)

This is Focalink's single-chambered ocarina in the key of Alto G from E to high C for a total of 13 notes. All instruments are finely tuned for clarity and pitch and we use a unique straw firing process that creates beautiful earth tone colors throughout.  A lacquer is also applied to bring out the richness in color.  Because of this unique handcrafted process, no two ocarinas will look the same.

Single AG

Size: 21.0cm x 11.9cm x 6.5cm 

Weight:  440 grams

*Includes our new specially designed light weight ocarina hard-shell case which gives the best possible protection for your instrument. 23.8cm x 17.3cm x 7.5cm

Each instrument comes with a fingering chart, polishing cloth and metal channel cleaner.

International orders are welcome !


12AG-S2 démonstration

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