Fiche ocarina D-SG-N2

Fabricant : Stein / Focalink

Type d'ocarina : Double

Accordage : SOL

Tessiture : Soprano

Matériau : Céramique

Dernier prix connu : 109.02€ (119 $)

It takes Focalink almost 2 years to develop this new series of ocarinas especially for Ensemble use because of the more smooth transmission process on breath pressure and sound volume when player switches from the first to the second chamber of ocarina. And on the other hand, it is surely an excellent solo ocarina, too.

This newly released double ocarina is in the key of Soprano G. In order to meet above purpose, we have enlarged the inner spaces of both chambers to achieve it perfectly. Theses two separate chambers that allow the player 17 chromatic notes from E5 to G7. Certain chords are also possible when playing both chambers together. All instruments are finely tuned for clarity and pitch and we use a unique straw firing process that creates beautiful earth tone colors throughout. A lacquer is also applied to bring out the richness in color.  Because of this unique handcrafted process, no two ocarinas will look the same.

Double Soprano in G / NEW with hard-shell case

Size: 13.6cm x 8.8cm x 3.8cm 

Weight: 180 grams

*Includes our new specially designed light weight ocarina hard-shell case which gives the best possible protection for your instrument. 20.0cm x 13.5cm x 6.7cm

Each instrument comes with a fingering chart, polishing cloth and channel cleaner.

International orders are welcome !


D-SG-N2 démonstration

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