Fiche ocarina Conscious

Fabricant : Songbird Ocarina

Type d'ocarina : 12 trous

Accordage : DO

Tessiture : Alto

Matériau : Céramique

Dernier prix connu : 186.87€ (200 $)

The Conscious Ocarina features beautifully ornate raised sculpture designs on the instrument's surface. Tuned to a selection of deeper ranges, it offers a powerful, resonant bass tone. With eight holes, it is set in a diatonic linear fingering system, starting with the tonic on the second finger. The design of the ocarina is based on the shankha, a conch shell of ritual significance in Hinduism.  Its meaning is literally "pacifying the inauspicious," and so the conch is regularly blown at festivals to represent a fresh start and a new hope, as well as to announce the beginning of a prayer.

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