Fiche ocarina Scarab Alto C Midnight Black

Fabricant : Songbird Ocarina

Type d'ocarina : 6 trous

Accordage : DO

Tessiture : Alto

Matériau : Céramique

Dernier prix connu : 27.44€ (30 $)

- 6 hole ranges an octave and a 3rd - Pendant Ocarina finished in a Midnight Black glaze - Intricate pattern - Adjustable Beaded Necklace - Songbook/Method included   Back in ancient Egypt, scarabs were popular amulets worn around the neck to protect the owner from misfortune. That tradition is alive and well with our very own Scarab Ocarina. Oval shaped and stout, this pendant ocarina fits in the palm of your hand. Ranging from an octave and a third (C5-E6), you can play all sorts of music, whether its a sacred song or your favorite Beatles tune. The adjustable beaded necklace keeps this object close to your body and soul and the heavenly tone it makes will cast a spell on you and your friends. It’s also been known ancient Egyptians gave scarabs as gifts to friends and loved ones. The key of C is known to convey the characteristics of purity and innocence.

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